Intro Em D C Am7 B7sus B7 B7sus B7 Em D C Glory to God in the highest, Em A Em Bm Em Am7 Em Am7 and peace to his people on earth. (2x) D Em D Em Lord God, heavenly King, C D A Almighty God and Father, D A D (C D) Em we worship you, we give you thanks, Am Em B7 we praise you, for your glory. (refrain 1x) D Em C D A Lord Jesus Christ only Son of the Father D A C D Em Lord God, Lamb of God, Am Em C B You take away the sin of the world, Em Am B have mercy on us, C Bm7 Am7 F#7 you are seated at the right hand of the Bsus B C Am7 B7 Father, receive our prayer. (refrain 1x) D Em C D Em For you alone are the Holy One, Am Em B you alone are the Lord, D A C D Em C Am E you alone are the Most High, Jesus Christ, Am7 D Em C D with the Holy Spirit, I the glory of God the A F#7 B7 Father., Amen, Amen (refrain 1x)